Edit message templates (Admin permission)

There are standard message templates that you can use when contacting the candidates. 
To access these, press Admin and scroll through to ''E-mail Templates''. Here you can change the templates by going to the desired template -> change the text and then click Save.

Certain standard templates are included like "Templates for automatic communication".

The next type of standard message template is: "Message templates that change status".
These templates can be used when choosing to contact the candidates via an e-mail.
After sending a message with this type of template, the status changes to a fixed status (e.g. Contacted, Rejection)

**It is important to know that the email does not go off automatically because you change the status, but it only goes off when you have sent the message.

The last type of message template is: "Company templates (with the ability to change status)".
Here you can choose to add your own message templates. Both linked to a status or not.

To create a new message template, press the button
- “Create new message template”
- Fill in the name and which type of recruitment the template should be connected to. (Recruitments or Spontaneous applications)
- If the template is to be linked to a status, choose which status.
- Then press Save