User rights Grade Varbi

User rights in Varbi are divided into different groups, partly for handling recruitment & selection, candidates, and applications (vacancies, spontaneous applications, contact network), and partly administrative rights (superuser, admin, approver) that can, for example, handle user access to the system.

Recruitment rights can be given to a user for the entire organisation, for one or more departments, or for individual vacancies. They can also be limited to a time period.
Each right is based on the previous one, so a user who, for example, has the "publish vacancy" right, can do everything above, such as "create, edit, and archive vacancy," "Communicate with candidates," etc.

Read-only access for applications (no comments)

  • Read vacancies
  • Assess applications
  • Read correspondence from/to candidates
  • Download files related to the vacancy
  • Write your own notes on applications
  • View "Statistics": diagram with the number of applications

This is the most fundamental right. You can see and read the vacancy, as well as all received applications and the information provided by the candidates. You can read correspondence from and to the candidates but not write it yourself. You can view files linked to the case but not upload new ones.
You cannot read or write comments on the applications, but you can write so-called "personal notes" that no one else can read.

Expert (read rights, no comments)
An exceptional user right mainly used by universities and colleges. It is given to external persons who need to assess one or more candidates and then have the option to upload a statement.

Read rights

  • Read vacancy
  • Assess candidates
  • Read correspondence from/to candidates
  • Download files related to the case
  • Read comments
  • View interview bookings
  • Reports
  • Personalized Excel reports

This authorization also provides access to read comments (but can still only add "Personal notes"). You can now see interview bookings (but not change or invite). You can also start creating reports about the vacancy and view the recruitment log.

Post comments and assess

  • Change the status of candidates
  • Change the marking of the application (letter/color)
  • Add score to the application and view the average score
  • Write comments
  • Add files to the application

You can now change the status of the applications, upload files linked to the application, change the marking on an application (letter/color), add and view points on the application from others. Write comments about the vacancy, an application, or the candidate.

Communicate with candidates

  • Send messages to candidates
  • Send SMS (only if activated, extra option)
  • Create interview times and invite candidates for interviews
  • Invite for assessments (only if activated, extra option)
  • Add files to the vacancy
  • Digital reference check via Refensa (only if activated, extra option)

You can now start sending messages, manage interview bookings, and upload files linked to the vacancy.

Create, edit, and archive vacancy

  • Create/edit vacancies
  • Copy vacancies
  • Delete/archive vacancies
  • Manually add applications
  • Create Excel reports linked to the vacancy or organisational level
  • Request publication

This authorisation allows the creation/editing/copying of advertisements, deleting vacancies that have not received any applications, or archiving advertisements that have, as well as adding manual applications and defining custom Excel reports for download.
If the "Request publication" step is activated in the workflow for the organisation, you will enter the "Publication step" where you request permission to publish.

Publish vacancy

  • You have full access to a vacancy from start to finish
  • Publish the vacancy on various publication channels


You can add one or more approvers to confirm the initiation, as well as a separate step in the workflow for approving the vacancy before it is published.
An approver must also have the "create, edit, and archive vacancy" authorization as they land in the editing step of a vacancy for approval.

  • Approval authorization


  • Access to the statistics module if you also have recruitment authority
  • Add users and assign user rights
  • Add and edit departments
  • Manage logos (this right can be restricted to administrators)
  • Access all vacancy templates, regardless of other authorizations (only as a superuser for the entire organization)
  • Add union representatives (this may not apply)

A user can be a superuser for the entire organization or for one or more departments, in which case they can only edit user rights/departments under the part of the organization they have access to.
By default, superusers can also upload and delete logos that can then be used in the advertisements. Varbi can set it so that only admins, if desired, have access to logos.

As an admin in Varbi, you can do everything a Superuser can, plus the following:

  • Adjust company info
  • GDPR settings
  • Create and delete vacancy templates (can be delegated to Superuser)
  • Manage message templates
  • Delete departments

The admin right can only be assigned or removed by Varbi Support, so if you want to change a current admin, email
Admins have access to the "Company Settings" page, where they can change several settings that affect the entire organization. They are also, in the system's default design, the only ones who can create and delete vacancy templates, but if desired, Varbi can change this so that even superusers have access to this.