Create/Edit Case Templates (Admin Permission)

Follow the steps below to create a new recruitment vacancy template:

  1. Create a new vacancy and save it.
  2. Fill in all the information you want to include in the vacancy template, such as organisation Level, description, questions. Also, select the department where you want the template to be available via the organisation level, and then save it.
  3. Click on "Vacancy Templates" -> "Create and delete vacancy templates".
  4. Create a new vacancy template by clicking on "Create new vacancy template" and then fill in the desired title for the template.
  5. Choose who should have access to the template (the department you selected under the organisation level).
  6. Note that if you want to include questions you've added, you must check the box "Include any questions in the advertisement in the vacancy template".
  7. After you have clicked on "Create vacancy template", you can close the vacancy and delete it (if you don't want to keep it).